Thursday, January 12, 2012

New debate topic

Hey guys,

Sorry for not posting in such a long time. I just joined a pretty tough class at school, and it is really killing me. But luckily, this class teaches me all about debate so I can impart my rough knowledge to you. Now what you all have been waiting for: a new debate topic! So the question is this: Should the Federal government expand research and exploration beyond the earth's atmosphere? A question like this can be debate for hours upon hours with 100's of affirmative and negative cases to run. For now here are a few affirmative and negative points for each side.

  • We can avoid space debris crashing into satellites.
  • We can start colonizing the moon.
  • We can direct solar energy from outer space to earth.
  • We can use weapons in space to have an advantage over other countries
But along with these affirmative points, comes many negative points. For example, how much money will this cost? How likely is space debris colliding with sattelites? Is such a powerful weapon too much power for one country? Debate among yourselves!
